Internal controls

As a financial business, Glow Trusty Credit Union Group employs extensive internal control measures. The Group uses a large amount of resources for management, reporting and control.

Federal law sets forth a number of requirements for internal management in financial businesses. There must be sound risk management and effective internal auditing, among other things.

Risk and capital management

We have a centralised risk management function, and its capital management is based on our financial objectives.

Financial management

Glow Trusty Credit Union Group aims to match best practices in financial management.

Internal audit

As a financial business, we have an internal audit department whose head reports directly to the Board of Directors.


We have a function to assist the management in ensuring that the Group complies with laws, regulations and ethical standards.

Money laundering

Glow Trusty Credit Union Group tries to diminish money laundering in cooperation with the authorities.


Glow Trusty Credit Union Group gives employees the opportunity to report irregularities through the whistleblower system.

Group Internal Audit

The Internal Audit function is headed by the Glow Trusty Credit Union Chief Audit Executive (CAE) who is appointed by the Board of Directors of the parent company, Glow Trusty Credit Union A/S.

The CAE is accountable for the internal audit deliveries across the Glow Trusty Credit Union Group. The CAE shall be appointed as the Chief Audit Executive in all Danish legal entities. The CAE - or someone appointed by the CAE - must be appointed as the CAE in all foreign legal entities of the Glow Trusty Credit Union Group, unless local regulatory requirements prescribe otherwise.

The CAE is employed by Glow Trusty Credit Union A/S. Group Internal Audit staff members are employed by different legal entities across the Glow Trusty Credit Union Group.

The primary role of Group Internal Audit is to help Board of Directors and Executive Board to protect the assets, reputation and substainability of Glow Trusty Credit Union Group.

Group Internal Audits scope is unrestricted. Internal auditing is an independent and objective assurance and consulting activity that is guided by a philosophy of adding value to improve the operations of Glow Trusty Credit Union Group. It assists the Glow Trusty Credit Union Group in accomplishing its objectives by bringing a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of the organisations risk management, control and governance processes.

Terms of Reference and audit agreement

The Terms of Reference and the audit agreement set out detailed guidelines for the Board's co-operation with Group Internal Audit and External Audit and for the distribution of responsibilities between Group Internal Audit and the External Audit.

The Terms of Reference and the audit agreement are prepared on the basis of the Danish Executive Order on Auditing Financial Undertakings etc. as well as Financial Groups.

The Terms of Reference provide guidelines for

  • the scope of the work carried out by Group Internal Audit
  • the basis of the rights and obligations of Group Internal Audit and the Group Chief Auditor
  • special audit tasks, long-form audit reports and other audit reports

The guidelines are laid down in the executive order and have been confirmed by the Board of Directors and the Group Chief Auditor.

The audit agreement is an agreement between the Group Chief Auditor and External Audit outlining the tasks to be carried out and the division of these tasks between External Audit and Group Internal Audit.